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    ECDC News

    Seventh graders met with their ECDC buddies one last time for a special end-of-year Buddy Day activity. They decorated special picture frames to hold pictures of their 2023-24 buddies as a lasting keepsake. Going downstairs to meet with our smallest Knights was such a special experience for the Grade 7, and lifelong connections were formed. 

    "I loved having little buddies because they are fun, and they loved seeing us every time!" - Piper Mudd

    "I loved it! I'll never forget playing and collaborating with my little buddy!" - Will Fryman

    Read More about A Special Buddy Activity for Grade 7 and Pre-K 

    Lower School News

    Lower school boy plays with large bubbles at the beach

    On Monday, Kindergarten students walked down to Salt Creek Beach as an end-of-year tradition with their parents and teachers. Hand in hand with their friends, our Knights joyfully made the trek from campus to the beach for a morning of friendship and play. Sounds of the students laughing and chattering filled the air the moment you approached the grassy knoll. This tradition was made even sweeter by the ice cream cart from Front Porch Food.

    Read More about Kindergarten Explore Salt Creek Beach

    Middle School News

    8th grade students in front of the Lincoln Monument

    In the early morning hours of Monday, May 20, grade 8 students, along with faculty and staff chaperones, left for a week of adventure and bonding in Washington, D.C. This field study trip gives students the opportunity to build connections between their classroom learning and authentic environments and to explore more deeply the concepts covered in eighth grade. The students are immersed in the rich cultural heritage and significant landmarks that make this city a symbol of democracy.

    Their days were jam-packed with visits to the White House, Capitol Hill, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington Monument, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Ford’s Theater, Mount Vernon, and many other historical sites and museums, connecting students to the nation's past, present, and future. The students also enjoyed a twilight cruise on the Potomac, which included dinner and dancing. 

    Students deepened their understanding of our government and the events that have shaped our world. The weather was beautiful as the Class of 2024 formed lasting bonds, traveling together as a class one last time. 

    Read More about Grade 8 Students Travel to Washington DC to Dive Into American History!