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    ECDC News

    Seventh graders met with their ECDC buddies one last time for a special end-of-year Buddy Day activity. They decorated special picture frames to hold pictures of their 2023-24 buddies as a lasting keepsake. Going downstairs to meet with our smallest Knights was such a special experience for the Grade 7, and lifelong connections were formed. 

    "I loved having little buddies because they are fun, and they loved seeing us every time!" - Piper Mudd

    "I loved it! I'll never forget playing and collaborating with my little buddy!" - Will Fryman

    Read More about A Special Buddy Activity for Grade 7 and Pre-K 

    Lower School News

    Middle School News

    Three middle school girls using microscopes in the science lab.

    As part of their lesson on the proper use of a microscope, Grade 7 students used their detective skills to solve the case of the missing mascot. After reading the suspect's alibis and using microscopes to study residue left on the suspects, the students then wrote descriptions and drawings of their observations of the residue. To solve the mystery, students took samples of the residue left at the scene of the crime to observe under the microscope and compared it with that of the suspects. This method helped them to easily discover which suspect was the Knight nabber!

    Read More about Students Become Detectives in Grade 7 Science Lab