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Student Support Services

Lower School ACCESS teacher teaching three children
Lower School ACCESS teacher teaching a child

(Academic & Counseling Center for Educational Support & Success)

St. Anne’s Student Support Program, ACCESS, is designed to enable students with academic, social-emotional, and/or medical needs to gain equitable access to a quality education. Students in grades K-8 identified as requiring academic support have the opportunity to work with Student Support Teachers and/or our Reading Specialist within the general education classroom and in small, targeted intervention groups. Academic Student Support services do not require a formal diagnosis and are fee-based.

In order to receive academic accommodations, a formal diagnosis along with a psycho-educational or neuropsychological evaluation is required. A current IEP with a diagnosis is also acceptable. This evaluation must:

  • Have been completed by either a clinical, educational, neuro, or school psychologist 

  • Be current, having been completed within the last three years

  • Include results from both a cognitive ability test (such as the WISC) as well as achievement testing (such as the WIAT or Woodcock-Johnson)

  • Include a specific diagnosis (either by IDEA or the DSM-5) made by the testing professional, along with a listing of the tests and scores utilized to arrive at this diagnosis

  • Include all necessary information relating to the concerns: background Information (academic, developmental, and medical), an itemized list of which tests were administered, behavioral observations, cognitive and achievement testing, attention and behavior, executive and adaptive functioning, as well as conclusions and recommendations

  • Include an explanation of the current classroom and testing accommodations recommended based on the diagnosis

Following receipt of required testing or current IEP, an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) will be developed if deemed appropriate.

ACCESS provides reasonable accommodations for those students with mild to moderate learning differences. Modifications to the curriculum are not made. Accommodations are considered adjustments to the learning environment. Accommodations do not change what is being taught or the expectations for a student.

Health Office

St. Anne School's Health Office is staffed by two full-time nurses to manage the health concerns of students while on campus. Our nurses create and coordinate healthcare plans for students with medical needs who require additional support and work with families to ensure state-mandated vaccination compliance. 

Student Support Services Team

Gina Keating

Gina Keating

Assistant Principal of Student Support Services
Michael Bartholomew

Michael Bartholomew

Middle School Student Support Teacher
Amy Bryant

Amy Bryant

Grades 2 and 3 Student Support Teacher
Allyson Chance

Allyson Chance

Grades K and 1 Student Support Teacher
Cheri De Filippo

Cheri De Filippo

Reading Specialist
Gregory Lay

Gregory Lay

Dean of Students and Middle School English Teacher
Bethany Pelonis

Bethany Pelonis

Middle School Student Support Teacher
Molly Stuart

Molly Stuart

Grades 4 and 5 Student Support Teacher
Kim Whittle

Kim Whittle

Middle School Student Support Teacher