Extended Daycare
The Extended Daycare program at St. Anne School provides a safe, secure, and stimulating Christian environment for every child. This program provides parents the comfort of accessibility and care for their child(ren) before and after school. Students are provided with an atmosphere allowing for academic assistance, socialization, and enrichment activities with emphasis on social and spiritual growth, life skills, arts, crafts, and physical activities. Study time is available after school in the library for Extended Daycare students to receive assistance and complete assignments.
The program is an extension of the regular school day, providing care for your child as early as 7:00 a.m. up until the start of class and after school until 6:00 p.m. You may make arrangements for the care of your child on a regular basis or you may choose to utilize the Drop-In Daycare Program on an hourly basis. The table below shows the fees associated with our daycare program.
Early Child Development Center (ECDC) parents, please check with Ingrid Trenton, itrenton@st-anne.org, for Extended Daycare availability. Space is limited for ECDC Daycare due to student/teacher ratios.
Extended Daycare Fees
In addition to the fees below, there is a $75 registration fee due at the time of registration.
Billed September 1, 2024 - June 1, 2025 | Monthly Payment |
10-15 Hours/Week | $450 |
5-10 Hours/Week | $420 |
Drop-in Rate | $16/hr |
Extended Daycare Team
Questions? Please contact Ingrid Trenton at itrenton@st-anne.org or (949) 276-6711.
Daycare hours of operation: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.